Dumortierite included Blue Quartz DT 105ct
This unique Blue Quartz DT 105ct contains a rare and highly coveted Dumortierite, double terminated for captivating visuals. This Brazilian specimen features intricate formations of acicular sprays, transparent needles, and negative crystals, amongst other eye-catching characteristics. All of these components combine to create an impressive and awe-inspiring display.
DImension: 44 x 23 x 17mm
Weight: 105ct (21g)
Understanding the Unique Color Variations of Dumortierite Included Quartz
Have you ever heard of Dumortierite-included quartz? It's a rare type of quartz that has a beautiful blue color and is prized by collectors. But what makes it so special? In this article, we'll explore the properties of Dumortierite including quartz, and why it is so sought after by gemstone collectors.