Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g
Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g
Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g

Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g

Precio de venta$690.00

Dimensions: 50 mm x 49 mm x 39 mm

Color : Verde, Azul

Sistema de cristal : sistema de cristal Triclinic

Localidades : República Dominicana

Composición química : NaCa₂Si₃O₈(OH)

Dureza : 4.5 - 5

Transparencia : opaco, translúcido

Brillo : Sedoso

Clase mineral : pectolita


Unraveling the Beauty and Rarity of this Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g

Larimar is an incredibly rare blue Pectolite, found only in the volcanic regions of the Dominican Republic. The unique interplay of celestial blues and white cloud-like patterns embodies the Caribbean Sea's calm essence, making it an exceptionally sought-after crystal.

Additional Information about this Larimar Semi-Pulido 230g

  • Very good (VG)
  • Dominican Republic
  • Triclinic
  • Miocene Epoch
  • Hydrothermal activity within basaltic cavities